We have been on the market since 2006. 
  • Since our founding, we have been a dedicated design office with a focus on bridge and structural design in all stages of project documentation, and on the special statics and dynamics of all types of structures.
  • Since 2009, we have a branch Link projekt SK s.r.o. in Slovakia, in Banská Bystrica.
  • We are part of the HBH Projekt, a leading supplier of project documentation for transport and engineering structures of all levels, which provides a complete range of engineering, technical assistance and technical supervision services for the investor, and specializes in the complex preparation of motorway and expressway construction in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In the group, we perform the role of specialist in bridge objects, dynamics and statics of all types of structures.


The key specialists of our team are authorized engineers for bridges and engineering structures in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, but we can also boast of overseas professional authorization.

We have experience with all types of bridge constructions, including arched, suspension and other special construction systems. Special experience has also been gained in the field of the modeling of structures, dynamic analysis and earthquakes, according to European and American or Canadian standards.

Our team is involved in the development of motorway concrete bridges. Leading designers have experience with managing and coordinating large-scale projects, such as project coordinating and bridging coordination.

In cooperation with the HBH Projekt, we are able to provide comprehensive services for the contractor in preparing large tenders according to the FIDIC Yellow Book – Motorway Section.

We are a member of the Czech Concrete Company

Our values and professional philosophy

Are based on the following principles:

  • we care about appropriate and friendly relations between people
  • the company policy for all of our employees is based on a friendly attitude towards each customer
  • we take care that our work is based on excellent technical solutions while respecting the diversity of ideas and attitudes
  • we take care to build relationships with customers based on trust and mutual respect, always underpinned by an honest attitude towards our work

In our work, we are guided by a clearly defined policy of an integrated management system.

We hold Quality Management System Certificates..